Stasher uses Redash to track KPIs and collaborate with partners

CompanyNameNo. of EmployeesUsing Redash SinceData SourcesIndustry
StasherJacob Wedderburn,
10+2017Postgres LogoPostgresTravel

About Stasher

Stasher, the world's first luggage storage network, connects you with hotels and stores that can keep your luggage safe while you enjoy your time in a city. They work with large partners like Accor Hotels and Premier Inn in cities worldwide. No need for cash - with Stasher, you can book on-demand and leave your luggage in secure storage rooms.

I'm Jacob, the CEO of Stasher. We founded Stasher to become the world's largest home storage network. Before we came along, people didn't really have any convenient solutions in different cities for storing luggage. Especially for just dropping stuff off short term, but also for however long, no one really catered to that need, certainly nothing on demand. The sharing economy seemed like the perfect solution to that problem.

The challenge

Stasher have data in Google Analytics, Stripe and their own database. Google Analytics and Stripe have their dashboards, but they still needed a solution that provided a more custom and complete view of their data. Their need to track performance caused the main pain point: supply capacity across their network, geographical coverage, performance by city, etc. They stored this performance data in their database.

You can see some data in Analytics and you could see some in the Stripe dashboard. I wanted a more custom solution where we could do more specific queries around information in our database. You can obviously do a lot more with SQL analysis! So I wanted a solution that could translate it into a dashboard I could share with my team.

The solution

After extensive research, Jacob decided to give Redash a try.

I looked at lots of other dashboard software companies and found them ridiculously expensive for what they offered. I think they promise more visual graphics, but it just didn't merit hundreds if not thousands of pounds a month. It just seemed insane. You guys have a really nice simple solution. Just such a simple tool, Redash connects to our database. I like it more than anything else I've found.

The outcome

Tracking business-critical KPIs with Redash

Stasher uses Redash to track critical metrics like occupancy rate and monthly performance.

We do revenue tracking with it as well with a pretty simple query which tracks how much we've made. And we do that against targets; we built a really nice graph! We track stored bag numbers, broken down across different regions and our capacity in them. We have a supplier table that logs everything on our network. We track growth in those categories as well. Our investors and we as a business care about the headline KPIs the most.

Redash helps Stasher work with partners

Stasher works with multiple partners and at times they need to share performance information with these partners. Using Redash, they can create shareable dashboards for them. They can also tailor each one to the specific partner’s needs without having to invest engineering resources to develop custom solutions.

One of our other partners asked for a breakdown of where our customers come from. I could just get it in Redash which proved quite useful so. We made a dashboard for one of our major partners, the Premier Inn hotel chain. That just has the graph of their monthly performance and a breakdown of bookings, etc. which we share with them.