Debugging a Redash Server on Docker Using Visual Studio Code
If you’ve followed Docker Based Developer Installation Guide, your Redash server is running inside a Docker container and cannot be debugged directly. If you wish to debug server code, you will need to use remote debugging.
Initial Setup
- Make sure you have the Python Extension for Visual Studio Code installed.
- Install ptvsd:
pip install ptvsd
Starting a Debugging Session
- In a terminal window, run
docker-compose stop server && docker-compose run --rm --service-ports server debug && docker-compose start server
- Switch over to Visual Studio Code and select “View -> Debug”
- Select the “Python: Remote Attach” configuration
- Start debugging (F5)
- Once you hit Ctrl+C, the regular development server (with autoreload) will relaunch.
- Code reloading is not supported during a debugging session, so if you’d like to make changes, hit Ctrl+C in the terminal and restart from step 1.